rules for wandering...

wandering around new york

You know how those days you didn’t make any plans for end up being the best days? That happened to me on Friday night. I met up with my friends Kevin and Stef; we had no real plans or commitments so we just started wandering around Brooklyn. That freedom allowed us to run & jump through the sand in a volleyball court. And glimpse the sunset from a promenade we didn’t even know existed. We went to two new bars, and have no idea how to get back to them. While we were out wandering we made up some rules for wandering, and decided that we should wander more often, and share the art of wandering with our friends.

rules for wandering

No. 0: No maps or navigation devices allowed.

No. 1: Don’t tell anyone you’re wandering except your co wanderers.

No. 2: Don’t go into the first place you see unless they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner twenty-four hours a day.

No. 3: If you see an Urban Outfitters you are too near mainstream streets. 

No. 4: Avoid the police, even if you’re innocent.

No. 5: Trust your instincts.

No. 6: No shopping, Bekka.

No. 7: If you are looking for food or beverages and you skip over four places, you must go into number five.

No. 8: No salads.

No. 9: Just eat it.

No. 10: Use the bathroom every chance you get.

No. 11: If there is guacamole, order it.

No 12: Ignore the rules.

// instagrams by Bekka Palmer and jumpstagram by Kevin Huynh