inspired to work

I did not attend alt summit this week, but you can bet I was stalking the twitter stream all day yesterday to get some good tips. Between the wisdom coming out of alt and this functional workspace belonging to The Heads of State I am totally inspired to get to work!

Everything I learned at alt, even though I wasn’t there

Advertisers will respect your brand. If you’re not into what an advertiser is pitching you, it’s okay to suggest another way.

Less is more with advertising, have 95% editorial content and 5% sponsored.

Mondo: “If you’re looking for trends then you’re probably doing something wrong.”

Always credit photos and original sources. Save files using photographer’s names or website source for later use.

If you’re creating content for someone else’s blog you should get paid.

Top takeaway for blog etiquette from Grace of @designsponge “Transparency equals trust.”

Event Planning Tips from Jordan Ferney & Ashley Meaders

  1. Invitations that shine
  2. Pick a theme and run with it
  3. Add elements of surprise
  4. Fun group participation element
  5. Make everything monochromatic for easy maximum effect
  6. Decor: Size does matter {make scale of things bigger or smaller than norm or do multiples}

Online tools for organization, tracking & efficiency

Outbrain - like link within, but with stats.
Evernote - keep track of sources with memos, can add from your phone, desktop.
Instapaper - Add articles, blog posts to read later.
Dropbox - Online file storage with easy uploads and syncing, great for collaboration.
Tynt - Adds your link to anything copy & pasted from your site.
Tineye - Image backsearch, see who used your images, or find image sources.

// The Heads of State photographs as seen on From the Desk of…